Mellon-ISLA Latino Politics Workshop
Along with Christopher Weaver, PhD student in the Department of Political Science, I co-organize the Latino Politics Workshop funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, the Institute for Latino Studies, and the Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy. This workshop includes a speaker series with experts on the political behavior of Latinos in the U.S., and topics such as immigration, religion and the role of the Catholic Church:
- "The case of disappearing Latinos: The Consequences of (Non) Ethnic Identification for Understanding Latino Political Participation", David Leal (The University of Texas at Austin): Friday, Sept 27th, 15:00 (Hesburgh Center 103) co-sponsored with the Institute for Latino Studies.
- "The Catholic Church and Immigration Politics: Racialized Citizenship and Un/Realized Power of Religion", Luisa Heredia (New York University): Friday, Oct 11th, 14:00 (Hesburgh Center 104/05).
- "Tending the Flock: The Politics of Latino Churchgoing", Ali A. Valenzuela (Princeton University): Friday, Nov 8th, 11:30 (O'Shaughnessy Hall) co-sponsored with the Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy.
- "Skeletons Under the Altar: Negative Associations and Voting for Evangelicals in Latin America", Taylor Boas (Boston University): Wednesday, March 5th, 12:45 (Hesburgh Center 104/05) co-sponsored with the Public Opinion and Elections Working Group.